Monday Morning Memo-
July 27th, 2020
I hope you are taking this time to safely clear your mind and be with your family. I have done some fishing with my family and visited the beach pretty often. I also have been trying to cook new meals for my family. As my test kitchen is not always successful, there have been some times that we needed to get take-out after trying out one of my experiment dinners. We celebrated my parents' 50th wedding anniversary by serving them a wonderful social distancing dinner. We also have celebrated my son's 12th birthday and one of his gifts was as surfboard which we are going to try today. Hopefully, I don't break my back trying it out with him.
As you continue enjoying time with your family, I am also asking you to check the Monday Morning Memo frequently to be as up-to-speed with information that pertains to you, our school, and district. Although it is your vacation time, I know there are some staff members who appreciate getting timely information about the beginning of the school year so they can be prepared as much as possible. As I learn more information that is pertinent for staff, I will continue to post that information on the MMM periodically.

While we await the conclusion of negotiations with our various labor organizations and the updated guidelines and procedures related to our reopening (online and/or brick and mortar)- expected August 10th, I want to share some information, provide access to available resources and solicit your interest and availability to help complete upcoming projects.
Planning Needs for the New School Year- Compensation Available
I imagine that you-like me- have many questions and ideas about how we can best support our students during the new school year. Crown Point has been provided a budget to pay staff for their time as we plan for August 31st. Below I have included a list of problems which need solutions; great ideas; and tasks which we should address to launch the 20/21 school year in our most successful way. If you are interested in being a part of conversations, planning and executing these new ideas, please email me and let me know which (or all) you would like to support.
- Cross School Alignment- Schedules (Daily schedule, Zoom schedule, Small Group, Feedback, Assignment of work etc)
- Cross Grade Alignment- Instructional Practices, Activities, Resources etc
- Benchmark ELA Launch
- Math Standards Prioritization/ Identification of Best Instructional Resources (paper/digital)
- Establishing Classroom Culture/Strategies to Welcome our Students and Families to the new school year
- TK/K Incoming Assessment
- Professional Development Plan for 20/21 year
- Powerschool as a Grade Book
- Take-Home Materials (Benchmark consumable, math manipulatives?, Teacher welcome letter?, other?)
- Health and Safety guidelines
- Other- what else would you like us to think about?
As I hear from you about your interest and learn more about resources/timelines, I will schedule the opportunities for us to make this our best year, yet!
Tentative Timeline
Below I’ve included a tentative timeline of when I expect to have more information/be able to provide it to you and/or our families. Please know that this is my best thinking and that the pandemic has taught me that in 2020, all plans are subject to change J
August 10-Update from SDUSD regarding second week of school and additional health and safety guidelines
August 11/12- Tentative Optional Staff Update Meeting
August 11-21 Optional Planning meetings- SCHEDULE TBD- (Certificated staff paid at non-classroom hourly rate- Classified Staff Paid at Hourly Rate)
August 17-21- Tentative CPJMA Parent Input/Question Opportunities
August 24- Communicate reopening of school year plan to families which includes:
o Bell Schedule
o Health and Safety protocols and procedures
August 26-Certificated Staff Return
August 31-School begins
Access to Classrooms/Campus Cleaning
Jesse is busy cleaning our campuses. In the upcoming weeks, he will be using a new machine to sanitize our classrooms and other indoor locations on our campus. To allow him the time to clean and thoroughly sanitize, at this time, you are NOT allowed to visit campus. When this changes and we are allowed back on campus, I will update you. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Curricular Resources
· SDUSD Adopted Benchmark for ELA. Attached to this email is a zip file which lists the materials teachers and students will receive. I hyperlinked their website. The physical materials have not, yet, arrived on campus.
Thanks for reading this long blog all the way to the end! J I hope that you are feeling refreshed and excited about the year ahead. There is a lot to do, but I am honored to do this work with all of you. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, wonderings, good ideas or funny stories.
See you all soon!