Crown Point Junior Music Academy
Monday Morning Memo
Week of 12/9-12/13
As I visit PLCs and review minutes, it is critical that you
are keeping in consideration your planning, data analysis, and professional
learning based on our strategic focal points.
Safe, Inclusive, Collaborative Culture
Teacher Clarity
Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum
As you are implementing the aspects of Teacher Clarity
during your time of safe practice, please keep in mind that I will be coming in
for observations with a focus of those aspects of Teacher Clarity that we
learned in professional development. I
am excited to discuss with you how you plan your lessons and strive to be at
the ideal state of Teacher Clarity below.
1. Students will be
able to communicate (verbally, written,
demonstrate…) to you/others the learning intention
2. Students will be
able to communicate to you/others what it takes to be successful in their work
3. Students will be
able to connect the work to the learning intentions and success criteria
4. Students will be
able to self-reflect and self-assess where who they performed in the task and
what they learned and communicate to you and others
School Tours-
As a reminder at any point during the school week, we may be
giving a school tour
Week of 12/16-12/20
M 12/16-
T 12/17- SSC Meeting in room 11 @ 2:30
W 12/18-Prep, Staff Holiday Party
Th 12/19- Winter Concert @ 8:30 in the auditorium, Chillin
with the principal
F 12/20- Min Day PLC, please bring laptops and current
lessons for Teacher Clarity to be analyzed
Week of 12/23-12/27 (Christmas Break)
School resumes Monday, 1/6/2020