Monday Morning Memo
Week of 4/30-5/4
I forgot to share with you this photo from our Military Kid's Day Assembly. This was a great event and emotional for some. I look forward to having this event at our school again next year. Thank you to Cathy for leading the charge!!!
Instructional Focus-
Guided Reading/Balanced Literacy Post-training
- I will be asking you for when you implement guided reading in your daily schedule. Please make your updates accordingly in your schedule.
- As I give feedback on shared reading/interactive read aloud/guided reading/conferring, I will refer to your reflection sheet and your teaching points during your lessons to give feedback as well.
- I will be asking for you to show me how you implement this on an everyday basis starting with conferring and guided reading. Please have your data readily available to discuss when I come into your classrooms.
- Please make sure you have your agendas filled out and are prepared to meet on Wednesday.
- For PLC this week please follow the cycle of utilizing formative data from your assessments to determine next steps in teaching.
- Please ensure that you complete your minutes and that they are continued to be shared with me after every PLC
- You will start with your grade level in your respective classrooms then we will meet together in room 9 at 2:30 pm.
- When we meet at 2:30 please be prepared to share with our school a hard copy of the formative assessment, a hard copy of the data from the assessment, and the next steps based on the data from the assessment.
HVAC Installation-
The more intense work of demo on the room will begin as of Monday. You may notice a bit more settling of dust in the room that is unavoidable. They are working hard to clean up as they leave, but the settling of dust eventually continues after they leave through the morning.
Recess Duty-
Group D
Important Dates-
Week of 4/30-5/4
M 4/30-Pennies for Pasta Assembly all grades in the auditorium from 12:45-1:15
T 5/1-
W 5/2-PLC in respective classrooms by grade level then meet in room 9 @ 2:30
Th 5/3-Cluster Meeting
F 5/4-Cinco De Mayo Celebration at CPJMA 5-9pm
Week of 5/7-5/11-SBAC TESTING BEGINS ALL WEEK-SHHHHHHH!!!!!!, District Teacher Appreciation Week
M 5/7-Staff meeting room 9 2:30 pm
T 5/8-National Day of the Teacher
T 5/8- VAPA meeting at CPJMA
T 5/8 SSC Meeting in room 9 @ 2:30
W 5/9-National Nurse Day
W 5/9-Attendance Awards –(K-2 8:00-8:45) (3rd-5th 8:45-9:30)
W 5/9-Staff Appreciation fish taco bbq 12:30-????
W 5/9-Certificated Prep
W 5/9- Family Science Night
Th 5/10- 5th grade Gator by the Bay education day at Spanish Landing
F 5/11-Muffins with Moms-Sanchez and Tran in the auditorium
M 5/14- Author Assembly (CW Trisef, Oracle Series) grades 3rd-5th @ 11:00
T 5/15- Musical Rehearsal-room 16 in the auditorium @ 12:30
W 5/16-PLC in respective grade level classrooms meeting in room 9 @ 2:30
Th 5/17-
F 5/18- SART meetings all day
F 5/18- Yokohama Sister Society Multicultural Series after school starting at 2:30 in the auditorium